Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lower Body Routine

This is what I sometimes do during commercials - it's short and sweet! Try doing it once every commercial break. If it seems hard at first, just keep working at it; pretty soon you'll be able to fly through it. =)

20 reps per exercise

walking lunges
calf raises
deadlifts (you can replace weights with water jugs, books, etc.)

hehe :) 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Some Changes?

       1. No more Level 10 Exam! *piano exam I have been working towards for about a year now. I had to memorize 7 songs: 5 repertoire, 2 etudes; technique (which is actually a lot of fun, so that would have been the easiest part); and an ear training & sight reading portion (which consists of clapbacks, playbacks, intervals, chords, cadences, and a few other things. I realized that I wasn't taking the exam for the right reasons; instead of doing it for me, I was doing it because people said I could. A few years ago, a girl I really looked up to did the RCM program, and I thought she was just the most amazing pianist ever (she really is), so I wanted to do the same thing. I think I was 11 or 12 at the time. Long story short, I started getting a little stressed, and I think my teacher noticed. We've been talking about college and stuff, and she said that unless I really wanted to keep working towards the exam, it would be really smart to get a large repertoire under my hand. So, no more exams looming over my head, and I get to start working on a bigger variety of songs! Mrs. Olivia lent me a few books to look through and I've already fallen in love with a couple. I might start posting weekly updates on music or something, we'll see. Anywho, I feel like a weight's been taken off my shoulders!

        2. IDEAS!!! I want to start sprinting, but there isn't a track at our gym ... sooo, I'm not sure how that's going to work out yet. Also, how about a weekly yoga challenge - I'll pick out a new yoga pose once a week and try to do it. Or ... some workouts ... or similar stuff. Things are coming into my head randomly, let me know what you think.

   Isn't this awesome?! I wanna try it!     
 Ok, so that's about it. I know it wasn't very exciting or interesting, but it's better than nothing! ;)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Interview With Brooke Jordan!

     This week, Brooke Jordan so amazingly helped me re-design my blogs and made buttons for both! She has such an amazing talent for design - go check out Designs by Brooke and Silver Linings for more of her work. This is just a small interview so y'all can get to know her a little bit!

When did you start Silver Linings and why?
 Honestly, I started two years ago because I thought it was just "cool" to have a blog, but now if you ask me I would tell you that I have a blog because I want to inspire people, share my photography, and also to share my faith. :)
Why design?
I just really love doing it! I think it's an enjoyable pastime, and I love creating things.
What tips would you give someone starting their own blog?
Be yourself. I tried for almost two years to be someone else in my blogging. I tried to be the person that I wished I really was, sort of like I was fantasizing myself, but then I learned that it's better for me just to be me. To be a successful blogger, you just need to blog about things that you are passionate about.
Do you have a favorite Bible verse or passage?
 Yeppers :D John 3:16
What's one of your favorite childhood memories?
Ugh. I have a terrible memory so I don't really remember much from my childhood. I do remember that I used to enjoy making lemonade with my grandma :)
If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?
 Three more wishes :P Ok the first one would be for my mom to get better. She has a lot of really crazy illnesses that cause her to be bedridden most of the time, and there isn't a cure for them. Second, would be for me to have a normal, Godly family. (I kinda have a weird family situation with my dad) Thirdly, that everyone in the world would come to know Jesus and live for him. :)
Favorite Disney movie?
FROZEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD
Peanut Butter: creamy or crunchy?
Creamy creamy creamy. Crunchy defeats the whole purpose of peanut butter. It's supposed to be buttery not have little pebbles in it lol.
The perfect dessert would be?
Lots and lots of chocolate things. Chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream with chocolate candies with chocolate syrup, you get the point :P
What is your favorite book/series?
Well, right now I'm reading Divergent and I really love it, but it seems like the kind of book that could possibly get inappropriate so I might not finish it if that happens. My favorite book/series that I've read all the way through would be Artemis Fowl and Percy Jackson
Do you have anything else you'd like to add?
Emmmm. No not really xD

me button photo mebutton_zps5c10cd25.jpg
Le magic button! :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Bucket List ... So Far

  • visit South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, & Australia
  • do a scorpion pose (yoga)
  • go mudding
  • play the guitar
  • play the ukulele
  • learn how to make chorizo
  • go ice skating

Monday, February 17, 2014

How Do I Choose?

       Preparing for college is turning out to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. When I was a little kid, I thought teenagers just picked a college because they liked the name, drove there, and stayed for a few years. Oh, how I wish that were so! Now it seems like there are so many guidelines I have to follow, all these required tests, and graduation is looming over my head. Being in an online school, and my being so shy, I only know two people! The fear of having to go to a graduation ceremony with a bunch of people I don't know scares me. I know that it's probably not a big deal, though, compared to a bunch of other stuff. Still, maybe I can pretend to be sick and stay in bed?
        Should I stay local, or go for an adventure? The practical side of me says to stay local. I can live at home, get state scholarships, and have time for a job. However, a huge part of me loves to travel - I want to see new things! I have a funny feeling my parents want to keep me as close as possible ... ;) I've been choosing "practical" my whole life. Should I change that now? Say, "hmm, why not?" instead of, "mmmm, better not..."? Ughh. How do they expect teenagers to make life altering decisions like this? It's like one day you've got the kid's menu, then the next you're expected to pay full price for a meal! There are seriously times when I highly resent being over the age of 12, or taller than the height limit in a playground. Before this turns into an even longer, sleep-deprived rant, I'm gonna stop right here. Oh, but anyways, how was your Valentines Day? I went to Chicfila with my youth group!